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Hello, I'm Eyal  


Eyal Chehanowski



In 1996 Eyal has started his Yoga journey in NYC,

he then pursued further studies as a senior teacher and was fortunate to study in depth with great yogis, among which are Richard Freeman in Colorado (Ashtanga), Sri K Pattabhi Jois in Mysore India (Ashtanga), Andrai Siderski in Kiev (yoga23) and with John Evens in London (Shadow yoga).



​In addition, Eyal is a structure Integration therapist (rolfing) and certified by GSI,  In his teaching Eyal combines his therapeutic skills and treats each of his students individually with special care and attention.

Eyal has founded two of the leading yoga studios in Tel Aviv Israel- Yoga Shala Jaffa and Lotus Yoga.

Since 2008 he certifies yoga teachers in 500 hr program as AYI member , and teaches the depths of yoga’s physical practice and philosophy.




The word Yoga stems from the Sanskrit language, in which the sacred scriptures of Hinduism are composed. It means "union" but it also means "discipline." Combining these two connotations, we can define yoga as the discipline that leads to inner and outer union, harmony and joy. 


There are many different types of Yoga, all stemming from a variety of ancient spiritual practices in India. The tradition most westerners identify with is called

*Hatha-Yoga.It involves physical postures (called asana) as well as breathing exercises (called pranayama).

Hatha-Yoga is primarily a means for obtaining spiritual fulfilment.

It also has the side effect of creating a healthy body and a peaceful mind. This form of Yoga has been practiced for thousands of years throughout India, and there have been many different interpretations of it throughout the centuries. 

In recent years, roughly since the late 19th century, various Yoga masters have made their way to the West and have shared their interpretations of Yoga with various western students. These students went on to establish Yoga institutes throughout the United States and Europe.

Hence, there are schools that teach Kripalu Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Bikram Yoga, Power Yoga, Iyengar Yoga, as well as many other styles.


All of these are called Hatha-Yoga, but each style is a different interpretation of the same thing.

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